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Rock Chalk Central 101

Rock Chalk Central is KU's online student organization database, which you can use to register and manage your organization.
Homepage of Rock Chalk Central website

Use Rock Chalk Central to:

You can view which of your organizations might be up for registration by accessing your Action Center for the organization. To access Action Center, click the Switchboard Icon (9 squares) on the top right hand corner of Rock Chalk Central and click "Manage".

From your Action Center home page, you will see a list of your organizations. Click the name of an organization to navigate to the management section for that organization. If the organization is eligible for registration, you will see a blue button that reads "Re-Register This Organization." Click "Re-Register this organization" to start the re-registration process.

If you do not have permission to Register, it means you do not have the appropriate permissions. If you think you should be able to re-register your organization, please contact us.

Now that you know how to navigate to the registration process, learn more about what it means to register your organization

Student Organizations are required to complete the Event Registration form, located on Rock Chalk Central. Only primary contacts and positions with full access over Events can register events within an organization. Follow these instructions to create an event: 

  1. Login to Rock Chalk Central using your KU Online ID and password. 
  2. Manage your organization by selecting Manage from the switchboard and choosing your organization. Then go to Events in the organization tool menu.
  3. Click on Create Event. Enter an event title, theme, description, start and end time, and location into their respective boxes. Required fields are marked by the red asterisk at their start.
  4. Follow the instructions on your screen to upload related documents and agree to abide the outlined event policies. 

After creating an event, you will receive a notification about the status of your submission via email from Rock Chalk Central.

The Roster tool allows you to manage your organization with ease and efficiency! Learn more about managing your roster below:

Inviting people: 

  1. First, you will need to navigate to the Action Center for the organization for which you would like to change or update membership. From your Action Center, click on the name of the organization, and then open the organization tool drawer. Select the Roster tool.
  2. At the top of the page, click Invite People. Enter the KU alphanumeric e-mail addresses you'd like to send membership invitations to. You can enter up to 500 e-mail addresses in the text box. You MUST use KU alphanumeric email address to invite new members or the invitations will not function properly.
  3. After you have added the e-mail address, click +Add E-mail Addresses. Once you have entered the e-mail(s), you can select which Position you would like the user(s) to hold once they accept their invitation. Click Send Invitations when all people have been added to the list. 

Ending memberships: 

  1. First, you will need to navigate to the Action Center for the organization for which you would like to change or update membership. From your Action Center, click on the name of the organization, and then open the organization tool drawer. Select the Roster tool.
  2. To remove a member, scroll down to the Manage Roster section of the page. Locate the member(s) you would like to remove and check the box on the far left of the members' names. Click End Membership at the top of the user list.
  3. A confirmation box will appear to let you know that ending this user's membership will also remove all of their positions and permissions. Click "End Membership" to confirm the deletion. If you do not wish to end a user's membership, you can instead change their Position within the organization.

Assigning people to new positions: 

  1. First, you will need to navigate to the Action Center for the organization for which you would like to change or update membership. From your Action Center, click on the name of the organization, and then open the organization tool drawer. Select the Roster tool. 
  2. On the Roster page, find the user for whom you would like to add, change, or remove a Position. Click the edit button under Positions to the far right of that user's name. A list of all available Positions will populate. Click the check box next to the position you would like to add or remove from that user, and then select Save. The user's permissions within the organization will be updated based on the Positions they hold.

As a registered student organization, you have the ability to send messages to your organizations members via email from Rock Chalk Central. 

First, you will need to navigate to the Action Center for the organization for which you would like to change or update membership. From your Action Center, click on the name of the organization, and then open the organization tool drawer. Select the Roster tool.

Click Messaging at the top of the Roster page to create a message relay. Relays allow you to create a temporary email address to send a message to only certain members based on the positions they hold.

To make changes to an organization page, you must be either the primary contact, or hold an officer position within the group that has been assigned access to administrative features. If you are looking to contact someone that can make changes to a page you are a member of, you can find contact information on the Roster page for your organization.

Edit your organization's details by going to the Action Center for your organization, opening up the org tool drawer, and selecting About. Here you will be able to update your organization summary, contact information, social media information and profile picture. If you are adding links to social media pages, make sure they set to public. If you are adding a Facebook link, make sure it's a group page. Links to personal profiles will not display on your page. When you're done making changes, click Update to save.

Photos are a great way to show off the exciting things your organization has done! Your gallery photos will be showcased at the top of your organization's public-facing page. Note: To add photos to an organization's site, a user must hold a position that has "Photo - Full" access.

To add photos to your organization's gallery, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Action Center for your organization by clicking on your Switchboard and selecting Manage.
  2. Open your organization tool drawer and select Gallery.
  3. Select Create New Album. Enter a name for the album and a brief description. Indicate who can view the photo album based on their position. Click Create AlbumIf you are wanting to add photos to an existing album, you can bypass this step!
  4. Click on the title of the album.
  5. Click “Add Photos”.
  6. Select the file(s) from a saved location and include a caption. (you may also drag and drop multiple images from your desktop into the upload area. This feature is dependent on specific technology in modern browsers, your browser may not support drag and drop.
  7. Click Upload All.

Now more than ever we are seeing the importance of being inventive in our methods of communication. Being able to easily share resources like videos and images is necessary to keep students engaged. 

When you link to a YouTube or Vimeo video in the areas listed below, the video will automatically be embedded at the location of your link.

  • News
  • Event descriptions
  • Election Ballots
  • Path Descriptions (Path, Domain, and Item)
  • Organization Gallery
  • Form questions
  • Organization descriptions

How to Embed Video Links: 

  1. Navigate to YouTube and Select your Video
  2. Under the video click the "Share" button and copy the link provided
  3. In Desired Text box Select the "Link" butto
  4. Click 'Update"