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Student Organization Registration

This information below will introduce you to the rights and responsibilities of being a student organization at the University Kansas, as well as to guide you through the process of student organization registration.

All organizations functioning on the Lawrence Campus of the University of Kansas are required to register with the University. Registration provides several advantages:

  • Use of the University name in the organization's title: 

    However, the University cannot permit its image (name) to be used in any commercial announcement, commercial or artistic production, or in any other context where endorsement of a product, organization, person, or cause is explicitly or implicitly conveyed.
  • Request funding: 

    Student organizations may request funding through the established Student Senate funding process, apply for Pepsi Funding, and explore crowdfunding by creating a LaunchKU account with KU Endowment.
  • Use of University facilities: 
    • Schedule meeting rooms, public auditoriums and other designated spaces.
    • Request storage space and receive organization mail that can be picked up from the SILC office in the Kansas Union.
  • Use of University Services: 
    • Establish an organization email account in collaboration with the organization's advisor and KU IT.
    • Request a table space at the fall & spring semester student organization involvement fairs.
    • Establish a SOFAS account. 
    • Receive food services discount rates from KU Dining & Catering.

Organizations must be established for legal purposes consistent with the broad educational aims of the University and in accord with regulations, guidelines, and policies of the University, the City of Lawrence, and the State of Kansas. However, registration does not imply University endorsement of the purposes of an organization, nor does the University assume sponsorship of or responsibility for any group activities on or off University property.

Should a student organization not follow general guidelines that are consistent with University policies, the group may be subject to losing their status as a student organization with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center. If a student organization loses its registration, the president may appeal to the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs in order to regain status as an organization.

Organizations wishing to register with the University of Kansas must meet the following requirements:

  1. Provide the University with the name and a statement of purpose for the organization.
  2. A minimum of three members is required to register an organization with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center: President, Vice-President, and Treasurer.
  3. Be nonprofit in nature.
  4. Annually renew the organization registration.
  5. Provide a copy of the organization's charterconstitution, or by-laws, including those of organizations outside the University with which the group is affiliated.
  6. Have an advisor who is a member of the faculty or professional staff of the University, or approved by the Student Involvement and Leadership Center if the selected advisor is not on staff. Graduate Teaching Assistants may be considered professional staff.
  7. Confirm the Electronic Registration By doing so, the group is acknowledging they will adhere to all applicable Regents and University regulations affecting registered organizations and, in particular, the Regents and University Policies on Nondiscrimination in Organizational Membership.
  • Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy
  • Membership Guidelines
  • Methods for Removing Members and Executive Officers
  • Role of Executive Leadership
  • Role of Advisor and/or advisory boards

Feel free to download our Sample Constitution (.docx) that you can edit to adapt to the needs of your organization. 

Once you have compiled all of the required information to start a new organization, you will follow these steps to register your organization: 

  1. Visit Rock Chalk Central and login using your KU SSO information. 
  2. Click the "Organizations" tab.  
  3. Click the "Register an Organization" button, located on the left side of your screen. 
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "Register a New Organization" button. 
  5. Follow the directions on your screen to complete the formal registration process. Check your email for updates on the status of your submission. 

Student organizations are required to re-register on an annual basis to ensure all of the information on your organization's webpage is an up-to-date as possible.

The SILC office will review the organization's registration materials and determine the group's eligibility to register with the University of Kansas.  The responsibility for verification of membership rests with the organization and advisor.  Registration status is granted administratively by SILC.  The organization's primary contact who completed online registration will be notified via email of the organization registration status.

Upon completing the online registration application, the student organization's leaders, members, and advisors, agree to abide by the Regents Policy on Organization Membership and the Equal Opportunity Statement of the University of Kansas as stated at the bottom of this page. You can also view additional student group information by going to each student organization's webpage on Rock Chalk Central. There you will find mission statements, contact information, and website addresses for each group on campus. All student organizations are encouraged to update their Rock Chalk Central profile regularly. 

Groups wishing to appeal a decision about registration status should submit a written letter to the Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center. The petition will be reviewed by three representatives of the Student Senate Executive Committee appointed by the President of the student body. The committee will make a recommendation to the Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center.

Note:  It is the practice of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center to publish contact information for each registered organization (on the Rock Chalk Central website), so interested individuals have a means of contacting the organization. The name and email address of the president may be put up on Rock Chalk Central, unless the president and/or officers change their privacy settings indicating his/her desire to not disclose that directory information. An alternate contact must be provided for the student group if the president's information is not disclosed.

Student Organizations will complete the online re-registration process each year by following these steps: 

  1. Visit Rock Chalk Central and login using your KU SSO information. 
  2. Click the "Organizations" tab.  
  3. Click the "Register an Organization" button, located on the left side of your screen. 
  4. Type the name of your organization in the search box, and select your organization from the list.
  5. Follow the directions on your screen to complete the re-registration process. Check your email for updates on the status of your submission. 

The SILC office will review the organization's registration materials and determine the group's eligibility to register with the University of Kansas.  The responsibility for verification of membership rests with the organization and advisor.  Registration status is granted administratively by SILC.  The organization's primary contact who completed online registration will be notified via email of the organization registration status.

Upon completing the online registration application, the student organization's leaders, members, and advisors, agree to abide by the Regents Policy on Organization Membership and the Equal Opportunity Statement of the University of Kansas as stated at the bottom of this page. You can also view additional student group information by going to each student organization's webpage on Rock Chalk Central. There you will find mission statements, contact information, and website addresses for each group on campus. All student organizations are encouraged to update their Rock Chalk Central profile regularly. 

Groups wishing to appeal a decision about registration status should submit a written letter to the Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center. The petition will be reviewed by three representatives of the Student Senate Executive Committee appointed by the President of the student body. The committee will make a recommendation to the Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center.

Note:  It is the practice of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center to publish contact information for each registered organization (on the Rock Chalk Central website), so interested individuals have a means of contacting the organization. The name and email address of the president may be put up on Rock Chalk Central, unless the president and/or officers change their privacy settings indicating his/her desire to not disclose that directory information. An alternate contact must be provided for the student group if the president's information is not disclosed.

The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA@ku.eduVisit IOA's website

Regents Policy on Nondiscrimination in Organizational Membership:

Policy and Procedures Manual Chapter II: Policies and Procedures, Section E: Students, Item 6: Student Organizations and Activities.

a. The established policy of the Board of Regents of the State of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, physical handicap or disability, status as a Vietnam Era Veteran, sexual orientation or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered, within the institutions under its jurisdiction. All fraternal and campus-related organizations shall follow this policy in the selection of their members, except the prohibition against sex discrimination shall not apply to social fraternities or sororities which are excluded from the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681 et seq.). (6-27-02)

b. The right of organizations to establish standards for membership is acknowledged, provided that all students are afforded equal opportunity to meet those standards. Just as all students have the right to choose those with whom they would associate on the campus, an organization shall have the right to select its members subject to these principles. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as imposing a requirement which would violate the principle of selection on the basis of individual merit.

c. The responsibility for compliance with this policy lies with each organization. In discharge of this responsibility, each organization shall acknowledge its understanding of this policy. Such acknowledgement shall assure that there exist no restrictions on membership, either local or national, which violate this policy. (9-24-65; 1-21-77)

d. Determination of Appropriate Student Activities and Fees: The chief executive officer shall be ultimately responsible for reviewing proposed expenditures from fees required of every student as a condition of enrollment and as determining whether such expenditures are in support of an appropriate student activity.

Yes! If you need instructions on how to complete registration or need help with your organization's constitution, check out the Registration Resources folder for information on all of the above and more!