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Rock Chalk Recognition Awards

A recognition process designed to reward student organizations and their leaders for their contributions to the University of Kansas community

What are Rock Chalk Recognition Awards?

Rock Chalk Recognition Awards is a recognition program curated by SILC to recognize the impact that KU's student organizations have on our community. Organizations and individuals can be nominated across a total of four categories with two types of prizes available:

Award Categories

The Individual Student Category aims to recognize the work of any exemplary student leader at KU.

Nomination considerations:

  • A formal leadership titles is not required
  • Why does the nominee deserve to be recognized?
  • What year is the nominee in school?
  • What organizations/activities is the nominee involved in?
  • What contributions has the nominee made to their organizations?

Individuals awarded will receive a prize of choice from the KU Bookstore paid for by SILC.

The New Student Organization Category aims to recognize registered student organizations that have been in existence for 2 years or less that have shown growth in its membership, successful programming, and deliberate outreach to the entire KU community.

Nomination considerations:

  • Why does this student organization deserve to be recognized?
  • What should this organization be proud of from this past year?
  • What ways has this organization fostered community among Jayhawks?
  • How has this organization continued to recruit new members?

Students organizations awarded will receive up to a $250 award toward catering for an organization event for the following academic year. 

The Student Organization Category aims to recognize outstanding student organizations for their adaptability and accomplishments throughout the past year.

Nomination considerations:

  • Why does this organization deserve to be recognized?
  • What should this organization be proud of from this past year?
  • What ways has this organization fostered community among Jayhawks?
  • How has this organization continued to recruit new members and get first-year students involved?

Students organizations awarded will receive up to a $250 award toward catering for an organization event for the following academic year. 

The Student Organization Advisor Category aims to recognize a faculty or staff member who has displayed an exemplary level of dedication and commitment to an organization they serve as an advisor.

Nomination considerations:

  • How has the nominated advisor demonstrated commitment to their organization and contributed to the overall purpose and success of the organization?

Advisors awarded will receive up to a $250 award toward catering for an organization event for the following academic year. 

Types of Prizes

All Rock Chalk Recognition Award winners will be recognized with a certificate from SILC, recognition in our Rock Chalk Central newsletter, and the chance to be highlighted on SILC's social media accounts. In addition to these forms of recognition, award recipients are also eligible for the following two prizes:

Organization Event and Printing

  • Organizations and advisors that receive a Rock Chalk Recognition Award will receive up to $250 to put towards hosting an event for their organization and/or print materials with Jayhawk Ink. Events must be hosted on-campus and utilize KU Catering and Events for food and beverage options. Any printed materials must be ordered and processed via Jayhawk Ink, located in the Kansas Union. This award is eligible to be used on one event and/or print session only and has a maximum allowance of $250. Any amount over $250 must be covered by the organization that received the Rock Chalk Recognition Award. All events and materials must be held/printed in the academic year following the semester that an award is granted, i.e. an organization receives an award in spring of 2023, it must be used during the 2023-24 academic year or the award will be forfeited.

KU Book Store Prize

  • Individuals that are recognized with a Rock Chalk Recognition Award will receive a prize from the KU Bookstore. An assortment of items from the Bookstore will be designated as prizes for this award. SILC staff will notify winners of the prize choices, who will have several days to notify SILC of their desired prize. SILC staff will purchase the prize and have the selected prize available to the individual upon pick up of the award certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any member of the KU community can nominate an individual student, student organization, and faculty or staff advisor as long as the nominee meets the requirements for nomination.

Yes you can! Nominating yourself for a Rock Chalk Recognition Award is the same process as nominating someone else.

The Rock Chalk Recognition Awards Nomination form opens every spring semester on Rock Chalk Central during the designated nomination period. Keep an eye on the top of the Rock Chalk Central forms page in March for the opening of the form!

There are four base requirements that all nominees - individual and organization - must meet in order to be eligible to receive a Rock Chalk Recognition Award. These requirements are:

  1. Student organizations must be a registered student group with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center.
  2. The student organization's mission must be consistent with the mission of the University of Kansas and Student Affairs.
  3. Individual students must be currently enrolled in at least 1 credit hour at the University of Kansas as an undergraduate or graduate student, and be on good standing with KU academic and student conduct.
  4. All nominees must demonstrate a contribution to the campus environment and/or enhanced the quality of student life and academic pursuits. 

Congratulations! Winning a Rock Chalk Recognition Award is a great honor and showcases your determination to make impactful and meaningful memories during your time at the University of Kansas. When a nominee of a Rock Chalk Recognition Award becomes a recipient of one, they will be notified via their KU email. Student organizations that receive a monetary award for event funding will follow the guidelines listed above underneath the Organization Event Prize section. Individuals that receive a tangible reward will follow the steps listed under the Individual Recipient Prize section.

All recipients - individuals and organizations alike - will receive a certificate from SILC recognizing their contributions to the KU community. Recipients of Rock Chalk Recognition Awards can pick up their certificate from the SILC office front desk at Suite 400 in the Kansas Union after awards are announced. Recipients will also have the opportunity to have their photo taken and posted on SILC's social media accounts and to be recognized in SILC's weekly newsletter.

Check Out Past Rock Chalk Recognition Award Winners!