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Organization Storage Space

Storage Space for your Organization

Is your organization looking for somewhere to store its items outside of a member's home? SILC may have storage space to fit your needs! Organizations that are in good standing with the University and have registered for the current academic year are eligible to take advantage of organization storage space. Check out our space below!

Storage Drawers

Storage drawers are the smallest storage option that SILC has available for student organizations. Organizations that are approved for a storage drawer must be able to fit all of their items in a space that is 19” L x 33” W x 9.5” H.

Guidelines for Storage Drawers
• Organizations can have a max of one drawer space per organization.
• Student organization storage drawers are available any hours the union is open.
• Organizations that are approved for a storage drawer must be able to fit all of their items in
a space that is 19” L x 33” W x 9.5” H.
Organization Storage Drawers

Storage Closets

Storage closets are the largest storage option that SILC has available for student organizations. Organizations that are approved for storage closet space(s) must be able to fit all of their items, including containers, in a space with the following dimensions, of which an organization can have two of: 18" L X 36" W x 13.5" H.

Guidelines for Closet Storage Spaces:
• Organizations will be granted space in one closet only.
• All organizations may have a max of two shelves per organization across all storage racks.
• All items must be self-contained or located in a container if they are loose.
• Items that are too large to be in a container (i.e. drum, cornhole boards, etc.) will be
assessed and approved/denied on a case-by-case basis.
• All items, including containers, must be able to fit in a space with the following dimensions,
of which an organization can have two of: 18" L X 36" W x 13.5" H
• Student Organization Closet Space is available Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm while the
office is open. SILC will not be available on weekends or university holidays to grant you
access to your supplies. Please coordinate pick up and return of supplies for weekend
events within the open office hours.
Organization Storage Shelves

Organization Storage Policy and Guidelines

General Guidelines for Holding and Managing a Storage Space

  • Agreements will be reviewed each school year. Organizations may need to reapply for storage space annually.
  • SILC is not responsible for damage done or loss of student organization materials due to Union infrastructure and other storage room users. Storing materials here is at the risk of the organization.
  • SILC will contact organizations storing supplies at the beginning of each school year to have them reapply for the space, and failure to respond or remain in communication with SILC regarding storage may result in termination of use and removal of items.
  • The responsibility of communicating with and receiving communication from SILC is passed on to new officers when transitions occur. It is the responsibility of outgoing officers to ensure the new officers are aware of their organizations use of this space and the requirements for using it.

Guidelines for All Storage Spaces

  • Only members listed on the student organization’s roster are eligible to access storage spaces to receive organization materials.
  • All materials or boxes of materials must be clearly labeled with the organization’s name, either in the design or with masking tape provided by SILC.
  • Stored items must not be easily replaceable (forks, plates, etc.). All items stored must be unique to their organization and used semi-frequently for organization-related matters.
  • Stored items must be legal to own, non-flammable, and must meet the parameters for approved items on campus by the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Archive files are prohibited from being stored in SILC-granted storage spaces.
  • Organization members must adequately maintain the items their organization is storing, as well as provide upkeep to the storage space as necessary. Should any damage occur to a space, an organization member must alert a member of SILC staff.
  • Organization members will treat storage spaces and the items of other organizations with respect. Members will refrain from touching the items of other organizations and will not intentionally damage any property, either that of organizations or of the University.

Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in eviction of the organization's items from SILC-managed storage spaces and potential restriction from using these spaces in the future.

Storage Space FAQs

Organizations that meet the requirements for storage in both spaces may be allocated space in each so long as they do not exceed the maximum storage amounts for either space.

Organizations that have not registered by the deadline set by SILC are at risk of losing their storage space. Organizations that are frozen or inactive will be contacted and asked to register or risk losing the space and having their items donated. Organizations are sent an email and given a grace period of two weeks to remove their items from storage. Items remaining belonging to defunct organizations that fail to collect their items by this deadline will have their items donated.

Storage space is actively allocated at the beginning of every fall semester, with a chance to have another round of applications in the spring. Any space that is not allocated during the allocation period will be allocated on a rolling basis at the request of student organizations that need it.

Organizations meeting the above requirements for storage space may the steps below to begin the storage space allocation process:

  1. Organizations interested in obtaining either a storage drawer or closet (or both) must complete the Student Organization Storage Space Application on RCC.
  2. An organization representative must schedule an Organization Consultation on Calendly and mark “Learn more about organization storage space” as the reason for their consultation.
  3. The organization must meet with the SILC Peer Outreach Team (SPOT) during their scheduled consultation to be approved for a storage space.
  4. If your organization is approved for storage space by a SPOT Member, you will be asked to complete our Student Organization Storage Space Agreement.
  5. Your agreement will be reviewed and approved by SILC.
  6. Once your agreement is approved, your organization may begin moving their items into their allocated storage spaces.
  7. Your Storage Space Agreement must be renewed annually.