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Student Organization Advisor Resources

Every registered student organization on campus must have an advisor who is a member of the faculty or professional staff of the University, or is a member of the University community who is approved by SILC. Community organizations that register with the University of Kansas must secure a faculty or staff member who will act as a liaison between the University and their organization. 

Advising is an individual experience - you get back what you put into it! Below are some of the benefits you may receive from being an advisor for a student group: 

  • helping students learn and develop new skills 
  • watching a group come together, sharing common interests, working on common goals, understanding differences 
  • developing personal relationships with students 
  • furthering your personal interests or goals by choosing to work with a group that reflects your interests 
  • sharing your knowledge with others

Have questions about advising a student organization?

Looking for student organization resources?

Policy Guidance & Legal Information 

As a representative of the University to the group, the advisor is needed to interpret KU policies and regulations relevant to student groups. The advisor is encouraged to be familiar with the student group's policies (constitutions, by-laws, etc.) and be aware of area of possible conflict with University regulations. By knowing the group's policies and the University's regulations, the advisor is able to share information about procedures and make recommendations, inform students about possible results or implications of a proposed activity, and insure that group activities are conducted in accordance with University and State regulations

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities - The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities outlines the rights of students and many of the standards of conduct expected within the University of Kansas community.

Student Organization Registration - All organizations functioning on the Lawrence Campus of the University of Kansas are required to register with the University.

Sports Clubs Policy: KU Recreation Services - To create a fair and balanced structure in a safe environment.

Event Accessibility and Accommodation Policy - To articulate the requirements for making University of Kansas sponsored events and externally sponsored events occurring on campus meaningfully accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Student Non-Academic Conduct Procedures - The University of Kansas’ non-academic student conduct process is not intended to be adversarial in nature and is substantially less formal than a court of law. The majority of cases can, and should be, handled informally. The purpose of the student conduct procedures is to resolve conflict situations that involve violations of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities or other University policy and educate and prepare students for responsible citizenship.

Crime Reporting - To assign responsibility for crime reporting and establish the appropriate reporting mechanisms to be used for notification of known or suspected criminal actions when such suspected actions occur on property owned or operated by the University or in conjunction with a University-sponsored event or activity.

Sexual Harassment - To articulate the University's prohibition of sexual harassment.

Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action - To articulate the University's prohibition of sexual harassment.

Alcohol & Drug Policy - To explain the University's alcohol and drug policy for employees and students.

Hazing - Hazing is defined at KU under the Code of Rights and Responsibilities as: 

Engaging in hazing of another person for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, or continuation of membership in any organization operating under the sanction of the University.  Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any action, activity or situation which recklessly, negligently or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health, welfare or safety of a person, creates excessive fatigue, sleep deprivation, mental or physical discomfort, exposes a person to extreme embarrassment or ridicule, involves personal servitude, destroys or removes public or private property, or implicitly or explicitly interferes with the academic requirements or responsibilities of a student.  It is presumed that hazing is a forced activity regardless of the apparent willingness of an individual to participate in the activity. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not neutral; both are violations of this rule.

Legal Liability of Advisors 
- The following is a statement from the University General Counsel concerning the liability of faculty and staff advisors of registered organizations at the University of Kansas:

An advisor could be held legally responsible should injury be sustained by a group member or third party during an activity of that organization, if acts of the advisor do not meet the standard of care exercised by a reasonable prudent advisor under the same or similar circumstances.  When an advisor is a member of the faculty or staff of the University and is acting within the scope of his or her employment, then negligent or wrongful acts, or omissions, of the advisor would be covered by the Kansas Tort Claims Act, K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.  The Tort Claims Act provides for both legal representation and indemnification of the employee should liability be imposed.  To the best of our knowledge, no advisor at the University of Kansas has been involved in a suit with a student or a campus organization. December 2019.